While the wind and snow blow outside, it's likely that you're itching to get back on your bike. It may feel like those warmer spring months will never come, but they will, and you'll be out their riding again soon enough. While you're waiting though, you can do something that will both make your riding experience more enjoyable, and make yourself safer. While you're not using your gear, it's time to go inspect it, and make sure it's all up to snuff. What isn't, you should replace. Take advantage of the off season and do a motorcycle gear check.
When you begin your motorcycle gear check, the first thing to inspect is your helmet. Your helmet is the piece of safety gear that will make or break your survival should you be involved in an accident. You will first want to think back on whether or not your helmet has fallen at all, even if it's just from as far as your handlebars. If so, this means that you should replace it before you ride again. Any fall will damage the foam inside the helmet, designed to protect your brain from shock. You want that foam perfectly intact, every time that you ride.
As you're doing your motorcycle gear check, you'll also need to do a visual and manual inspection of your helmet. This will let you know about any damage you may have missed. Look over the helmet for dents or deep scratches, and feel along it for the same. These are both signs that your helmet has been damaged, and it's time for a new one. If you find issues with the internal padding, designed for your comfort, you can get it replaced without getting a whole new helmet.
The next part of your motorcycle gear check should be your jacket. This is a piece of gear that is second in importance only to your helmet. Should you be thrown from your bike, your jacket is what will help to keep your upper body protected. First, make sure that it's made out of the right material, either tough leather or another strong and thick material that is resistant to tears. If it does have any tears, make sure that they are repaired before you're back on the road.
When you're getting close to the end of your motorcycle gear check, it's a good time to make sure that your more minor, but still important, pieces of gear are in order. These include your gloves, boots, and your leather riding pants. Each of these things will add not only to your safety, but also to your comfort.
A motorcycle gear check is a great way to make sure that when you're ready to ride in the spring, all of your gear is safe and ready for you. Take advantage of the time you have now to make sure that everything is in proper working order, so that you'll be safe on the road. If a piece of gear is damaged, make sure that you replace it.