Saturday, December 20, 2008

Defensive Driving - The Art of Riding a Motorcycle That Helps You Avoid Accidents

Driving a motorcycle can be easy when you free your mind from inhibitions. It is great for taking short trips because you can really get a chance to enjoy the views around you. If you want to get past heavy traffic easily, this may become your answer to your problems. It is one ride that can give you fun and excitement at the same time oozing with coolness. However, it can easily become a dangerous ride if you do not know how to drive it. That is why it is very important to learn how to drive defensively with the use of this vehicle.

Before we get into the details of defensive driving, bear in mind that riders should know how to protect themselves in when driving this vehicle. Here are some of the safety gadgets that you can use:

• Helmet- This is very important to protect your head from extreme blows that could lead to jarring of the head or even contusions in case of accidents.
• Leather jackets- they are important to protect your clothing from dust, as well as protect your body from varying temperature. They can also help in protecting your skin from abrasions and lacerations in case of accidents.
• Leather motorcycle gloves- this helps you maintain a fine grip of your controls.
• Boots- this protects you feet from the heat emitted by the engine or other possible wounds encountered.

Once you have put on this protective gear, you can now get into the essence of defensive driving. Here are some tips to follow:

• Always slow down when getting into crossroads or before turning. Even if you have the right of the way, you still need to be extra careful to avoid accidents.
• Always check your mirrors before over taking a vehicle, turning left or right or even switching lanes. Do not forget to use your signal lights. It is easy to get side swept by another car without these lights.
• Always obey traffic signs and rules. Never take for granted the traffic lights, road and hazard signs. Do not beat the red or the yellow light. You will also be in trouble once caught.
• Do not be too complacent when driving. Some drivers can be reckless, especially when they are drunk. Remember, to avoid accidents, do not drink and drive.
• Learn to give way. Some drivers may be in a hurry at all times that causes them to ride at an increasing speed. Therefore, when you see one, learn to stop and let them pass by. This way, it lessens the chances of collision.

Always remember the key to defensive driving is trying to stay away from getting yourself into trouble while driving your motorcycles. Yes, you may have your helmets, leather jackets, leather motorcycle gloves and boots on. However, this is not an absolute protection from danger. Doing this style of riding can help you save the hassle of being hospitalized and paying for costly repairs of the damages incurred along the way.